Friday, September 25, 2009

Tronix Ebike Exceed: Fun and Comfort

Biking is not only fun and comfortable but is also an effective way to create wonderful memories with one another since almost everyone –from young to old –can enjoy a bike round a park or within a village.

With the Innovatronix' Tronix Ebike Exceed - a motor and pedal-driven bike that puts the “style and convenience” to biking. On top of that, this folding ebike is portable and can be brought anywhere.

The Tronix Ebike Exceed offers the biker an option to either use the motor drive for better speed or opt for pedal driving to sweat out those calories.
The driver has the preference which one suits his or her needs. It also has an increased torque, which makes it capable of driving on a slope.

For more information, please visit the Tronix Ebike Exceed Webpage.

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